Lives in STS

This is part of an account of the British radical science movement of the 30s and 70s, and its continuing ripples.


Lucy Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) and Mike Hales (Barefoot Documents, Brighton) developed a presentation for the Sydney 2018 meeting of 4S (Society for Social Studies in Science). The session topic is: *Lives in STS as a series of failed political experiments?*

> *STS: Science & technology studies, an academic research field, embracing sociological, anthropological, historical, policy and management aims in research and in development.*

The session was organised by Peter Taylor ((University of Massachusetts, Boston, editorial Board of *Science as Culture*, where Gary’s 2007 article appeared (see research notes, below), and which took over from RSJ in the 80s).

The presentation addresses **Professionals’ lives as ongoing experiments - in a field of class**. It's an animated slide presentation. - Streaming video is here [YouTube]( - Downloadable here [m4v](

Sydney 4S 2018 research notes. A number of research notes were prepared. The collection includes the Werskey 2007 article and 'Lives in STS' interview transcripts.

The text of the presentation has been submitted \[May 2019] to *Science as Culture* as 'Professionals’ lives as ongoing experiments - in a field of class': submitted version is with the above research notes. The presentation/article considers two 'lives in STS', in the 70s and the present day, in Britain and in China, within a context originating in the 30s, in Britain and Soviet Russia.