radical science archive material

This material is part of an archive on radical science and radical technology movements in Britain in the 70s.

The following articles can be downloaded from here: [cloud folder](https://cloud.owncube.com/s/3oZ8HpncTQxBs5n)

- Easlea (1984), Keith Roby lecture - Easlea (??), Why I love birds - Forrester (??), *AT \[Alternative Technology] in the 1970s*, PhD thesis extract. - Hales (1983), Science - On whose side? Review of BSSRS pamphlets. - Hales (ed) (2014), Remembering Brian Easlea - Hales (ed) (2013), From Brian's shelves (catalogue) - Hales (ed) (2017), Bharucha correspondence may-sep17 - Hales (2019), The science and social relations debate - Harper (2015), CAT, after 40 years (Centre for Alternative Technology) - Harper (??), Life in CAT, *Science as culture* - Kaye (1986), *The life and times of BSSRS*, Open University dissertation - Turney (1983), Review of *Science or society?* The library of the Wellcome Trust \[Oct 2019] is compiling an archive on BSSRS (British Society for Social Responsibility in Science] and the British radical science movement. The items above have been contributed to that archive.