4 History - Organic intellectuals

Broadly, in **History** we look at politicised formations within the professional-managerial class (PMC). The PMC has been a controversial focus in the past generation but, optimistic or pessimistic - and regardless of the emergence of 'precarious' PMC work - its pivotal role can hardly be ignored.

This is one of the **foprop** projects.

**foprop** = forces of production, relations of production. The project has five streams of work in progress, oriented to the conduct of a transformational **activist life**, and making **a Living Economy** of **P2P-commons**.

>Most of these threads are stubs. While this wiki is being assembled, an earlier version is here website ---

Here we offer parts of the ongoing history of ‘radical professional’ movements since the 70s, oriented to the rigorous production of radical knowledges and capabilities - **formations of labour power** under altered relations of production. It can be regarded as an investigation of P2P questions around open and collaborative knowledge, in a ’cultural materialist’ mode.

This thread centrally draws on and contributes to understanding of **'the generative dance of knowing'** in the foprop pattern language 2 Commoning - A pattern language. It considers the literacies that underlie the discovery in C20 of **organic intellectual** practice, by members of the babyboomer generation; and the characteristic, historically emergent mode of practice: **facilitation**. It's a radical politics of knowledge - or rather, a **literacy** in *organising of knowing*.

This forms part of an ongoing history of ‘radical professional’ movements since the 70s.

- Lives in STS - Radical science movement: three generations - Radical science archive material

The Left-Labour **GLC** (Greater London Council) of the 1980s, and its roots - including the 60s’ **Community Development Project** (CDP), the **Conference of Socialist Economists** (CSE) and the Lucas Aerospace shop stewards’ alternative corporate plan in the 70s.

The Lucas Aerospace shop stewards' alternative corporate plan, and a movement for 'human centred design' and alternative products.

The British New Left and libertarian/associationist/feminist socialism of the 60s and 70s. A 'long revolution perspective' which introduced cultural studies as a politicised mode of addressing history-making in-the-small. Cultural materialism and the long revolution in culture.

The emergence in the 80s of a radical, work-practice oriented international R&D community in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and participatory design of work infrastructure.

Over the past two decades a global movement for the P2P-commons has emerged. This formation of organic intellectual practice stands in an awkward relationship with the broader development of the professional-managerial class (PMC) and the strands of statism, collectivism and associationism in socialist organising.